Creating and modifying indexes

PSQL enables to create and modify index on the physical model level. Index creation is done using following steps:

  1. Right click on the table name in the table tree.
  2. Choose "Add index" from the popup menu.
  3. Enter the index name (eg. i1).
  4. Right click on the index name.
  5. Choose "Add column" from the popup menu.
  6. Choose the column name in the displayed dialog.
  7. Choose required column and press OK button.
  8. Continue in step 4 or finish.
Using that algorithm the user is allowed to create unlimited number of indexes.

To modify index you can use similar procedure. You are allowed to:

  1. Add columns (see above).
  2. Remove columns - right clisk on the column name in the index and choose Remove column from the popup menu.
  3. Reorder columns - right click on the column name in the index and choose Move up or Move down from the popup menu.

It is possible to remove index (mark removed respectivelly) - right click on the index name and choose "Remove index" from the popup menu.

If index is modified or if columns involved are modified then index is automatically recreated if alter table script is generated.